Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Importance of History and YOUR Community

Everywhere that we look today we are surrounded by the history of the past. That ground that your feet happen to rest on and the community that you live in most likely had some historical event happen on there. When we were children we all probably had landmarks that impacted history some way that were right down the street from our homes. How great would it be to grow up on the banks of the Hudson in Weehawken, New Jersey, the site of the famous duel between Alexander Hamiliton and Aaron Burr. If you live in Utah or California it would not be uncommon for you to play on the abandoned lines of the first transcontinental railroad. Regardless of the event most communities and cities have cultural and historical landmarks that have made impacts on history and the world around us and the great thing is that these landmarks are open for everyone to visit and discover.

In the community that I grew up in there were dozens of historical landmarks to see, so much that after living there for twenty years I still have not seen all of them. With other kids, me and my brother would play on the old dirt bunkers that Union soldiers built to defend their forts or bike down by the riverfront where vital supplies were sent to Ulysses S. Grant who had made City Point the headquarters of the Union Army in the Seige of Petersburg during the Civil War. These areas along with Petersburg National Battlefield are registered landmarks by the National Park Services and are visited by thousands of tourist each month.

Growing up and playing here as a child, I did not recognize the importance of these places but as I became a college student and an eventual history major I became to appreciate how much my community and surroundings, these historical landmarks, influenced my decision to become a historian and eventual teacher. This blog is designed to take a look at the historical landmarks that have made such an impact on my life and helped me to make the eventual educational and career path that I have decided to take. These blogs will give readers a visual walking tour of these landmarks as well as why that are as important to the history of this area as well as the history of the United States. Along with pictures, timelines and links to other websites will be included so that you can understand the importance of these events. Please feel free to respond about landmarks that you have visited or ones from your community.

Link to information about Grants Headquarters

Link to history of First Transcontinental Railroad

Link to the Duel of Hamilton and Burr

If you would like to visit a blog where you see what historical landmarks from other communities then you should check this link out, its also linked on the title.

Wednesday March 11, 2009.

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